Week 15 Photo

A row of roses at the convention center.


Week 14 Photo

Met a Ghostbuster on the weekend.

Week 13

Took this at the vancouver eco fashion week

Official Ali Milner Website

I had the opportunity to work with the insanely talented Ali Milner on her new website redesign. Everyone of her songs will blow you away and she sounds even better live. Ali and her team were great to work with and hopefully we can continue to work together in the future. The homepage image was photographed by Vanessa Heins. The supplementary black and white background photos were taken by myself. I was responsible for the the design, development and integration of her existing bandcamp, bigcartel and video properties pages. I'll be writing a case study for this really soon.

Check it out at alimliner.com


Ali Milner site 1


Ali Milner site 2

Week 10 Photo

More nex 7 testing. I find the 16mm quite soft wide open.

Week 8 Photo

Featuring THE Devan Geselle again...